What is lawful advocacy?

Lawful advocacy is a new term that the Community Law Courts coined. For us the definition of lawful advocacy is the capacity to have knowledge of both legalese system and of the lawful system and to have the skills and aptitude to operate between the two jurisdictions and to be able to respond to both those jurisdictions according to the facts of any particular claim.

For the application of lawful advocacy is extremely broad. Our knowledge and expertise at the moment is in family courts dealing with property as we call it, living property that are live. We see most of the family court work as a challenge to property ownership and that is because of the coerced birth registration transfer of our living sons and daughters to the state. Often we find that it is simply a matter of clearing up the issue of who has the right to own, dictate, hold the property and whether any man or woman has a claim of harm, loss or injury that would justify the loss of that property. In other words, the loss of that son or that daughter. We believe that it is incredibly important that wherever possible that the mother and father who are the natural creators and therefore are the owners of their property sons and daughters, are given the opportunity for a trial by jury. We do not believe that it is just, fair or reasonable for something that has been created by them to be taken away with the level of trivia that we see being executed at a legalese court right now. Therefore, we do challenge authority of the legalese courts coming at it from the perspective of ownership.

Class actions

With class actions it does not matter if one man or woman makes the claim or there are one hundred men or women that make the claim. If there are continuity in the claims e.g. council tax, at the moment we are working on a claim where we require and command Plymouth City Council to answer questions with regard to liability for council tax. Now, obviously it would be extremely piecemeal to do that for every living soul and the donations that we would require to help us to survive and thrive would not justify one claimant. Whereas, if there were ten or twenty claimants and they were all querying council tax bills, then we can do what is called a class action whereby we take the data from the bills and from the birth certificates of those men and women who query that bill and then we ask the questions from that group, that class how we put that for that man or that woman who takes responsibility and liability for council tax bills. If they prove there is liability, then obviously we would uphold their right to make such a claim and we would advise our claimants that they would have to continue to pay it. On the other hand, if it can be proven that there is no liability or that liability in fact belongs to somebody else then we would advise them of that too.

Individual claims

One of the cases we heard recently was a claim of disinheritance between a brother and a sister. It was a very emotionally poignant case and it was very powerful because there is a lot of emotional benefit to take a claim to the Community Law Courts and that was a one woman claim. We are not saying we don’t do individual claims, however at the moment what we aim to do is to establish community courts throughout the British Isles. For the way we do that is through class actions.

It could also relate to lawful advocacy; criminal charge of harm, loss or injury. We will attend magistrates’ courts and the crown courts and we will make our submissions on behalf of the man or the woman who the courts claim jurisdiction is over.

Although we are not so versed with mortgages we will probably in the future look at challenging mortgage contracts too. Therefore we are open to any areas of law; there isn’t an area of law that we wouldn’t look at and if we felt that we had the knowledge, then we would share that knowledge with a man or woman and assist them to make a claim or put forward some sort of alternative view from that which is being conveyed by the legalese system.


We are very close to doing class actions for council tax, water, gas and electricity. We are also going to do class actions with regard to the right to travel. Furthermore, we are going to test out the theory that we recently did discover, which is if we have travel insurance, because we are travelling we believe that could be enough to protect us from any liability. Therefore if there was any loss, harm or injury caused while travelling, we could use travel insurance to cover that.

We have done class actions against local authorities where we have commanded that they hand over the buildings and their resources to the people for the people to take control of. We will be doing that in every area. That includes education and housing.

At the moment, there are only two lawful advocates on the british isles that are : Deborah. and : Neal. Both of us are still learning by setting up things powerfully to the point where we can start to bring in other trainees to make them lawful advocates too which will take some time.

As lawful advocates, we offer mediation which is a large part of our work. It is very useful to reduce costs that would otherwise be very high at the family courts or where there is a divorce and the property has to be split. We can mediate between the man and women to help them to find a swifter and more affordable solution than the ones they may experience at the family courts.

As lawful advocates, we write many types of agreements. We say agreements rather than contracts because agreements are much more powerful than contracts. Contracts tend to lack the element of trust because the aim is to shut down any and all possible loopholes whereas an agreement is about honour. Therefore, we believe it is more spiritual and powerful especially when it comes to such things as agreements with regard to property transfers, wills etc. An agreement can cover anything from two paintings to a ship or a car for example. I’ll have your car, you can have my ship.

With regards to rent and mortgages on property we believe it will disappear. For a start, with regard to social housing why are we paying for property that we already own? In the future, we plan do class actions on social housing. For this completely takes away the right for any so called landlord to charge rental for a property. We all have the right to shelter. Therefore, why are we paying rents and mortgages? We would be quite reluctant to set up any so called rental agreements or anything like that because we do not agree with it. We believe it is immoral. To monetise something so fundamental, to us is immoral. As a result, it is something we are not willing to be involved with. Mankind have right to have a roof over our head, stay dry and stay warm.

We do revocation notices with regards to power of attorney.

Disqualification of documents

As the legalise system will not disappear overnight, although we would like it to, we will therefore help men and women who have found themselves caught up in the legalise jurisdiction by disqualifying fines or forfeitures they may believe the legalese system have attempted to enforce.

We can disqualify pretty much anything e.g. court papers, speeding fines, bills, legal contracts. With regard to bills being sent for services that you did not require, those services would then be challenged.

Public enquiries

We will hold public enquiries for any community or organisation that approaches us to do so and we will assist them to facilitate that and everything is recorded. We welcome public enquiries from experts from both sides of any disagreement. Our approach is inquisitorial opposed to adversarial. It is not about someone being correct because there is truth in everything. For it is about what the community say is the law. With a public enquiry it would in fact be a public hearing because we would have to have our thirteen to twenty-six good men and women on that trial by jury to hear the evidence on both sides and to decide what the law is and we would very much welcome that.

We would have public enquiries into sexual abuse by organisations; 5G telephone technology; COVID19 so called vaccines; chemtrail activity; education system; practically anything mankind desires to hold a public enquiry on. We would provide our services to facilitate that process.

Private Consultations

Naturally, you are curious and interested in the work that the Community Law Courts offer here on these pages.

Your next step is to have an initial forty-five minutes consultation with : Deborah. where she will be able to advise you with regard to your specific situation. We offer consultations for any man and or woman willing to make a minimum donation set out on our donation schedule; please contact us from the information on our Contact page; donation schedule is sent after we have been contacted.